Posts Tagged ‘travel’


Wednesday, October 24th, 2018

Tate on kaksi upeaa museota, Tate Britan ja Tate modern. Tate Britainissa oli tällä kertaa erikoisnäyttelyssä ranskalaisia impressionisteja, jotka olivat maalanneet Britanniassa, paljon kauniita töitä. Mutta suuremman vaikutuksen teki Tate Modernin näyttely Aivan liian inhimillistä. Piirtelin siellä tuntikausia.
I enjoyed Tate Britain but fall in love with the exhibition in Tate Modern, where I stayed drawing for hours.

Elävä malli / Live model

Monday, October 22nd, 2018

Museossa täytyy välillä hengähtää kahvilassa ja piirrellä muita asiakkaita.
I took a break in museum cafe, drawing other customers.

Lontoo / London

Friday, October 19th, 2018

Lontoossa oli mukavaa.
This time I loved to be in London.

Amsterdam 2

Wednesday, October 17th, 2018

Lisää kahvittelua / More time in cafe.

Amsterdam 1

Monday, October 15th, 2018

Kahvilassa piirtelyä iloisessa mutta koleassa kaupungissa.
Drawing in cafe in a joyful but not too warm city.

Asemalla / Railwaystation

Friday, October 12th, 2018

Etelään päin, kohti Saksaa! To the South, towards Germany. Ferry from Rodby to Puttgarden.

Lepoa / Resting

Wednesday, October 10th, 2018

Kööpenhamina, ensimmäinen pysähdys, hengailua ja voimien keräämistä kodin siivouksen jälkeen.
Copenhagen, first stop and some rest after the hard work of cleaning my home for incomers.

Matkalle / to the road

Sunday, October 7th, 2018

Ystäväni kysyi minulta, tarvitsenko hyvää syytä vähän pidemmälle matkalle. Niin siinä kävi, että kotiini muutti putkiremonttipakolaisia ja minä lähdin. Tukholman rautatieasemalla aloin piirtää.
A friend of mine asked, if I needed an excuse for a longer travel. So I gave my home to friend who had a great repair in their own. In Stockholm Central Station I started to draw again.rail01n

Huh, is this now ?

Wednesday, February 11th, 2015


I woke up in my old room. Everything is, like it was… I feel strange.
Unpacking luggage. The things know, where they belong. I start to draw.
I still do not make coffee in my apartment. Coffee by Andrea is black and strong.
The sea is, where it belongs.


Monday, February 9th, 2015

Slow traveling is pleasent. I like to see and feel the movement. To go to the train, to see the land passing by and to feel the movement of the train in the body.
Big ships are more troublesome. To sleep in a cabin without window, to come to port too early. Coffee makes is easier, of course.
Worst of all is to fly. It is alienating, and it is still worse that all airports are similar. It is the same, in which city you are, the airport consists of same shops and the message is: buy, buy, buy!