Posts Tagged ‘travel’


Wednesday, February 20th, 2019

Astorgassa minun oli pakko myöntää, että jalkani ei todellakaan kestänyt enää kävelyä. Katsoin nähtävyydet ja jatkoin bussilla Santiagoon.
After three days on dusty paths too near to the roads, and I got to Astorga. Here, again, I visited a palace by Gaudi. The house is a museum filled with (male) saints. The storm was marvellous. But my foot did not take walking. I looked for a bus to Santiago.

Kellotorni / Bell tower

Monday, February 18th, 2019


Hirtetty / Hanged

Friday, February 15th, 2019

A huge colony of rooks had no fear to this scarecrow.

Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Castilla y Leon

Wednesday, February 13th, 2019

On the road a person is in the state of change. A pilgrimage cannot be made fast, is should be walked. The slow change of time and place gives place to study and find something new.


Monday, February 11th, 2019

Kävin Gaudin suunnittelemassa talossa. Se on aina ilo.
It always is an enjoyment to visit Gaudis house-

Holvikaari / Arch

Friday, February 8th, 2019

Lyijykynän jälki on vaikea saada näkyviin, mutta halusin saada tämän kuvan tänne. Holvikaarien piirtely on eräs toistuvista ja vaikeista harjoituksista. Kirkon sisäseinää Leonissa.
Drawing arches is always difficult for me, and this time it was as difficult to get the drawing somehow visible in digital format. Church wall in Leon.

Kukko / The cock

Monday, February 4th, 2019

Vanha kirkon tornin kukko Leonista.
The old cock from the belltower in Leon.

Lisää karttaa / More maps

Friday, February 1st, 2019

Jatkoin junalla länteen, seuraavaan kaupunkiin. Leon on kaunis, siellä on Gaudin suunnittelema upea talo ja paljon muutakin nähtävää.
Train to the next town to west, Leon. A beautiful town and much interesting to see, including a house of Gaudi.


Kartta / The map

Wednesday, January 30th, 2019

Kartat ovat aina mukavia!
I like to have a map, a real paper map, of each town.


Monday, January 28th, 2019

Kunnallisessa hostellissa vaeltaja saa viipyä vain yhden yön. Onneksi löytyi viihtyisä paikka parannella käpälää, el Labriego.
In a municipal hostel only one night stays are allowed. With my sore foot it was not possible to go on, but I found a perfect place to stay, el Labriego with its many cats.