2.07.2019 - 16:40
Yritin sitten koneväritystä. Ei ole mun laji.
I tried to color the picture with computer. I do not like the result.
Happy is, who is waiting. In the spring they return, when everything is already green.
And in the autumn they leave again.
Kategoria pen | Tagit: summer | Ei kommentteja »
1.07.2019 - 17:19
Kategoria pen, water color | Tagit: summer | Ei kommentteja »
30.06.2019 - 17:07
Näitä tuli joskus harjoiteltua taidekoulun iltapäivinä. Mutta tämän piirsin ihan tätä varten.
Sometimes in the art school we have drawn these. But this was of coarse drawn today.
Kategoria pen | Tagit: summer | Ei kommentteja »
30.06.2019 - 10:44
Kovan päivän ilta. Ilta oli eilisen teema, mutta päivä otti voimille niin, että kuva tulee myöhässä.
A hard days night. Evening was the theme of yesterday – a really hard day, thus the picture was delayed.
Kategoria water color | Tagit: summer | Ei kommentteja »
28.06.2019 - 19:15
Päivän aihe oli voileipä.
Todays theme was sandwich. Sorry, there was no bread. Would the porridge be ok?
Kategoria pen, water color | Tagit: summer | Ei kommentteja »
27.06.2019 - 18:30
Olen kulkenut junalla Euroopassa aika paljon ja minusta on selvää, että joka veturilla on ilme. Tämä Ruotsin rautateiden veturi on selvästi hiukan apea mutta hyvin päättäväinen ja luotettava. Minusta sen vetämässä junassa on hyvä matkustaa.
I have travelled quite much with trains in Europe. The locomotives are different in each contry, and each of them has a distinct personality. This loco of Swedish trail roads seems to be a bit moody but very headstrong. I loved to go with it.
Kategoria pen | Tagit: summer | Ei kommentteja »
26.06.2019 - 20:07
In the old times, when clothes were usually stored in cold sheds, my grandfather took the fur coat in to the house to get it warm before Christmas. After a while he noticed that something started to move inside the sleeve. There was a bat hibernating, and it started to wake up in the warmth. Gently my grandfather took the fur coat with the bat back out and to the shed.
That year my grandfather went to the Christmas ceremony in the church in his homespun working coat.
Kategoria pen | Tagit: summer | Ei kommentteja »
25.06.2019 - 19:21
The first computer I ever used, was a big metal box on the table, using paper tape to save data. The second one was a huge box using discs about 40 cm in diameter. Either of them were really ineffective in comparison with any nowadays phone.
That all was a long time ago. He he.
Kategoria pen | Tagit: summer | Ei kommentteja »
24.06.2019 - 19:06
Yritys kasvattaa salaattia ja porkkanoita kanien varjossa: melkein metsin korkuinen lava.
Trying to get some lettuce and carrots for me: a bed of soil is almost one meter high.
Kategoria pen | Tagit: summer | Ei kommentteja »
23.06.2019 - 18:57
Aion pysyä kotosalla tämän kesän, joten Laten haasteen teema ei innostanut pitkiin mietelmiin. Jos matkustaisin, haluaisin vaeltaa kevyin kantamuksin ja ilman suunnitelmia.
This summer I want to stay at home. But when travelling, I’d like to with light baggage and without any plans.
Kategoria water color | Tagit: summer | Ei kommentteja »