Archive for the ‘pen’ Category

Robotti / Robot

Thursday, June 6th, 2019

What kind of a robot would I need? A skilled household worker serving me tea?
No, I’d rather have one which would take care of my physics and my mood. Time to have a walk!

Keittiö / Kitchen

Saturday, March 16th, 2019

Jos vaellusreitin majatalossa on keittiö, se on aina täynnä väkeä.
If there is a kitchen in auberge, it is always full of people.

Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Castilla y Leon

Wednesday, February 13th, 2019

On the road a person is in the state of change. A pilgrimage cannot be made fast, is should be walked. The slow change of time and place gives place to study and find something new.


Monday, February 11th, 2019

Kävin Gaudin suunnittelemassa talossa. Se on aina ilo.
It always is an enjoyment to visit Gaudis house-

Holvikaari / Arch

Friday, February 8th, 2019

Lyijykynän jälki on vaikea saada näkyviin, mutta halusin saada tämän kuvan tänne. Holvikaarien piirtely on eräs toistuvista ja vaikeista harjoituksista. Kirkon sisäseinää Leonissa.
Drawing arches is always difficult for me, and this time it was as difficult to get the drawing somehow visible in digital format. Church wall in Leon.

Lisää karttaa / More maps

Friday, February 1st, 2019

Jatkoin junalla länteen, seuraavaan kaupunkiin. Leon on kaunis, siellä on Gaudin suunnittelema upea talo ja paljon muutakin nähtävää.
Train to the next town to west, Leon. A beautiful town and much interesting to see, including a house of Gaudi.



Monday, January 28th, 2019

Kunnallisessa hostellissa vaeltaja saa viipyä vain yhden yön. Onneksi löytyi viihtyisä paikka parannella käpälää, el Labriego.
In a municipal hostel only one night stays are allowed. With my sore foot it was not possible to go on, but I found a perfect place to stay, el Labriego with its many cats.

Katto korkealla / High ceiling

Friday, January 18th, 2019

Hostelli oli rakennettu vanhaan kirkkoon. Kerrossängyn yläsängyssä kattoon oli kymmenisen metriä.
The hostel was built in an old church. I enjoyed lying in my bed, looking the ceiling ten meters above.

Baarissa / In the bar

Wednesday, December 26th, 2018



Friday, December 7th, 2018

Pääkatu / Main street.