Archive for the ‘Aiheeton’ Category

black bird

Monday, April 27th, 2015


best kind of wake up!

life is…

Saturday, April 25th, 2015


fate of the ant


Thursday, April 23rd, 2015


Hedgehog nature reserve. Gardening forbidden! … Hedgehog nature reserve. Gardening allowed only for ant.

green power

Tuesday, April 21st, 2015


The Green parte won the election! We get more greenness! Hedgehog nature reserve. Gardening forbidden!

hard work

Sunday, April 19th, 2015


this is ok…. fix it here…. rest.


Friday, April 17th, 2015


one piece at the time!

spring cleaning

Wednesday, April 15th, 2015


… pitkä tauko johtui sitkeästä flunssasta ja monista kiireistä.
Kirja valmistui ja oli myynnissä Tampere kuplii -festareilla. Seuraavan kerran syyskuussa Helsingissä!

… the long break was due to a bad flu – and after it too much work. Ok, cleaning the yard was fun, not work.
The book was printed just in time for Tampere comic festival – next time you can find it in September in Helsinki.

Huh, is this now ?

Wednesday, February 11th, 2015


I woke up in my old room. Everything is, like it was… I feel strange.
Unpacking luggage. The things know, where they belong. I start to draw.
I still do not make coffee in my apartment. Coffee by Andrea is black and strong.
The sea is, where it belongs.


Monday, February 9th, 2015

Slow traveling is pleasent. I like to see and feel the movement. To go to the train, to see the land passing by and to feel the movement of the train in the body.
Big ships are more troublesome. To sleep in a cabin without window, to come to port too early. Coffee makes is easier, of course.
Worst of all is to fly. It is alienating, and it is still worse that all airports are similar. It is the same, in which city you are, the airport consists of same shops and the message is: buy, buy, buy!


Friday, January 23rd, 2015

Layer 2

Sorry, that the blog has been updated infrequently. I have not been lazy, I just have done something else.
I even have drawn, for Tampere kuplii -comix festival.
And I have been thinking of the blog, trying to do some strategy for it.
The blog was not aimed to be a diary, neither a travel blog.Maybe it will be something else. But – for the strtegy, forget it.
Let’s see. Most probably there will be more randon strips.