Archive for the ‘Aiheeton’ Category

tätä aikaa / strange time

Friday, May 15th, 2020

Olen itse löytänyt tämän ohjeen jostain ja piirtänyt itselleni muistiin. Yhdestä paidasta saa tietty useita maskeja.
Jos käytätte tätä tai muuta kangasmaskia, muistakaa puhtaus!
I have found this tip somewhere and drawn as a note to myself. Shortly: take a t-shirt and cut the sides open. Then cut from the front a piece, about 20 cm high and as wide as you get, and two ribbons. Stretch the ribbons a bit and put them on the larger piece. Turn the sides on the center. You have it!
If you sew a few stitches around the central piece or fix it with some safety pins, it is easier to put on.
One shirt gives material for several such masks.
Remember cleanliness! Wash your hands, don’t touch the mask with your hands when outside, don’t put a mask again on your face without washing / boiling it in between.


jonotusta / queuing

Monday, October 28th, 2019


Laivassa / In the ferry

Tuesday, October 8th, 2019


Reppu / Backbag

Thursday, August 8th, 2019


Kala / Fish

Wednesday, August 7th, 2019



Monday, April 1st, 2019


Kartta / The map

Wednesday, January 30th, 2019

Kartat ovat aina mukavia!
I like to have a map, a real paper map, of each town.


Wednesday, October 24th, 2018

Tate on kaksi upeaa museota, Tate Britan ja Tate modern. Tate Britainissa oli tällä kertaa erikoisnäyttelyssä ranskalaisia impressionisteja, jotka olivat maalanneet Britanniassa, paljon kauniita töitä. Mutta suuremman vaikutuksen teki Tate Modernin näyttely Aivan liian inhimillistä. Piirtelin siellä tuntikausia.
I enjoyed Tate Britain but fall in love with the exhibition in Tate Modern, where I stayed drawing for hours.


Tuesday, November 15th, 2016

… at Liminka art school for a weekend. Thanks to teacher, Raine Körkkö, and pals!

Jackdaws / Naakat

Monday, August 22nd, 2016
