Tämä vanha juttu ei ole aiemmin päässyt blogiin, se on tehty Hannele Richertin vetämällä kurssilla jokunen aika sitten. Valokuvien käyttö sarjakuvissa on Hannelen erikoisalaa, ja se oli tosi hauskaa! Leikin Punahilkka-variaatioilla – ehkä ne loputkin tulevat tänne joskus, jos löytyvät jostain.
This old piece was done on the class tutored by Hannele Richert, for some years ago. Hannele is a specialist in using photos in comixs – and it was fun to try.
I was playing with variations of the old story.

“Wolf! Oh, just eat me. I am hungry, too.”
“I don’t eat humans. I’m just curious. Come to my den to eat rabbit stew!
Why was you sitting on the street?”
“I was begging for money, but I got none. I have no job and nobody needs me.”
“We go here and must jump there…”

“Welcome to my den!”
“Thanks, that was really tasty.”
“Right – do you play… this game was originally made as paw prints in sand, and now I have so beautiful board.”
“But this is fun!”
“You learn quickly. Before summer you’ll win me!”