Archive for the ‘pen’ Category

Keritsimet / Shears

Monday, August 5th, 2019


Merihevonen / Sea horse

Saturday, August 3rd, 2019


Kypärä / Helmet.

Friday, August 2nd, 2019


Lehmiä / Cows

Wednesday, July 31st, 2019

Piirrän lehmiä mielelläni, mutta nyt en ollut vähään aikaan tehnyt sitä. Etsin youtubesta videoita ja piirtelin croquista. Kynä jäi roikkumaan ilmaan ja muste kuivui terään, joten piti välillä vaihtaa bruhpeniin.
Cows are one of my favorites, but I hadn’t drawn then for a while. So I needed a model and found videos in youtube. First with pen and ink, then with brush pen.

Työkaluja / Tools

Tuesday, July 30th, 2019

Lempipuuhani työkaluja / Tools in my favorite activity.

Nauris / Turnip

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2019

Let’s go trekking a bit! I bought something to eat.
Dad always has a pocket knife with him.
(Does anyone else eat turnips, just Finns? The edible turnip or swede is really tasty!)

Varpaat / Toes

Monday, July 22nd, 2019

Kävin elukkamuseossa vähän aikaa sitten, nämä on piirretty siellä tai matkalla sinne. Geelikynän lisäksi kokeilin vesiliukoisia lyijykyniä ja säiliöpensseliä, tykästyin jälkeen.
I visited Natural History Museum not long ago, and drew these during that day. In addition to usual pen I tried watwrcolor graphite pencils.
Elephant, European bison, Siberian tiger, giant salamander, porpoise, white-tailed eagle, horse, shunosaurus, alpine marmot, greylag goose, giant kangaroo, hare, chacma baboon.

Koira / Dog

Thursday, July 18th, 2019


Auto / Car

Wednesday, July 17th, 2019

Olen lukenut Risto Isomäen uutta kirjaa ilmastonmuutoksen torjumisesta. Sain siitä jotain ideoita, lisäsin omiani ja kehittelin Etelä-Suomeen sopivaa autoa. Retkeilisin tällaisella kesäkaudella mielelläni.
I have been reading about new technical innovations to prevent climate change, the new book from Risto Isomäki. There I got some ideas for this small and very light car, made of carbon fiber instead of steel, two seats one after another (not side by side), electric motor and relatively small battery. Because the vehicle is small and light and not very fast, the small battery would give big reach. My special wish is that the seats could be changed to a bed for one person.

Mansikka / Strawberry

Tuesday, July 16th, 2019

Sheep keep eating all the summer, all the long grass away. The strawberries get much light and become sweet.