Archive for January, 2015


Friday, January 23rd, 2015

Layer 2

Sorry, that the blog has been updated infrequently. I have not been lazy, I just have done something else.
I even have drawn, for Tampere kuplii -comix festival.
And I have been thinking of the blog, trying to do some strategy for it.
The blog was not aimed to be a diary, neither a travel blog.Maybe it will be something else. But – for the strtegy, forget it.
Let’s see. Most probably there will be more randon strips.


Sunday, January 11th, 2015

With a gun the drawer may be killed, but not drawing, thinking, laughing, dreaming.
Every person has right to faith. No faith justifies terror.
That’s why we continue. That’s why I am Charlie, too.
But, peace! Make laugh, not war! And make love, too.


Wednesday, January 7th, 2015


Minun Helsinkini. Kaakaopuussa saa kaupungin parhaat kaakaot.
Seuraavana päivänä: -13
“Valititko sateesta? Tämä kylmyys on pahempaa.”
Pysy sitten sisällä. Menen ulos.” (ihan turha muuten puhua kissalle, se pysyy sisällä joka tapauksessa.)